4 Unusual Tooth Disorders Everyone Should Know

In this article to explain 4 Unusual Tooth Disorders Everyone Should Know About:

1. Anodontia:

Anodontia(Unusual Tooth Disorders) is a rare genetic condition that refers to the absence of all teeth. Typically, it’s diagnosed when a baby hasn’t developed teeth by 13 months or when a child hasn’t developed adult teeth by ten years old. Dental x-rays confirm whether any teeth are hiding beneath the gums. If there aren’t any, then it’s likely anodontia.

2. Talon Cusps:

According to the Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Journal (OMPJ), talon cusps affect 0.04 to 8 percent of the population, making it a rare condition. It refers to a conical-like growth that develops at the back of one of the teeth and can cause an array of oral health problems, including malocclusion, gum irritation, plaque accumulation, and more.

3. Tooth Gemination:

Tooth gemination occurs when two teeth develop from a single bud, forming what looks like a single enlarged or disfigured tooth. Geminated teeth can cause a misaligned bite, tooth decay in the area where the two chambers join, and overcrowding in the mouth.

4. Hyperdontia:

Also known as supernumerary teeth, this condition refers to having too many teeth. Most cases aren’t severe and involve 1-2 extra teeth popping up. They usually don’t erupt, but since they develop in the gum, they can delay the appearance of other teeth and cause overcrowding and crooked eruption.
